Akan Name Generator

Akan names come from a traditional naming system for people from countries such as Togo, Ivory Coast and Ghana. A child’s name is determined by factors surrounding his or her birth.These Akan names signify the day one is born. Akan names are derived from Ghanian culture. Frequently in Ghana, children are given their first name as a 'day name' which corresponds to the day in the week they were born.
Here are Ghanian day names. {Male} [Sunday: Kwasi] [Monday: Kwadwo] [Tuesday: Kwabena] [Wednesday: Kwaku] [Thursday: Yaw] [Friday: Kofi] [Saturday: Kwame] {Female} [Sunday: Akosua] [Monday: Adwoa] [Tuesday: Abenaa] [Wednesday: Akua] [Thursday: Yaa] [Friday: Afua] [Saturday: Ama] Most people do know when their birthdays are, but some might not know what day of the week they were born. Luckily for us, there are ways to calculate the day of the week from a specific date.We'll do that using this Akan-Name Generator READ MORE
